Friday, July 20, 2007

Research That Matters

Finally someone has taken the time to do a meaningful study.

Study: Multiple Stab Wounds May Be Harmful To Monkeys

Can't wait to hear the results of the boiling study...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Landlord

Just another example of big trouble in a small package. Unibomber style this minuscule property owner packs a killer smack down.

The Landlord

Oh yeah and has a mouth like a sailor!

BIG PROPS to Donjuanica and A-Ro for finding this clip.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why are there no Japanese Rock Gods?

Well, because, they would dress like this guy. Tell me you would pay 65 of you hard earned dollars to view this guy for 2 hours. If so, please just send the money to my paypal account and I will forward you a swift kick to the nutz.

He is the Shogun of Air-Guitar!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Eh? My Bum Feels Funny. Urrgh, Urrrgh

I really am speechless...

Alright, I have recovered some what. Where can I get a handle like that?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Shake Your Money Maker

I am so sick of people making blanket statements. Especially when they are based on real or imaginary stereotypes. This obviously debunks the "white people can't dance" myth.

End of discussion!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Revelations 20 Years Too Late

So, have you ever watched a TV show and wondered ",Why are there no lyrics in 'program X's' theme song?" Well it has just been made known to me that some of your favorite old shows of yesteryear do in fact have lyric! Enter exhibit A Quincy, or as his rapper friends call him, Pimp Master Q.

I was very glad to hear that Quincy's Japanese-American sidekick, while not featured in the opening montage, was mentioned in the lyrics. I guess the American TV viewing public was not ready for that degree of racial integration in the late 70's.

Monday, June 11, 2007

No Perscription Necessary: Jeremy

I bet you can't guess who thought that this should be added for your mass consumption.
Just Atticus
Damn, you guessed it on the first attempt!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

You Sir Have Failed!

I think this should be implemented in all game shows and possibly the National Spelling Bee. It would add a new dimension to the players game play and stratagem.

I am surprised no one vomitted. The Japanese are twisted.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Desert Rose

Funny on so many levels. Love that loose caboose.

Oh yeah, and, I can't pass up a clip that is funny and poke fun at Just Atticus' love of Lost.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Unlock the Windows!

This is why I never carpool. Damn you Skeletor and you breakfast burrito!

TETOP (Transformers for the Ethical Treatment Of Prostates)

Back to the PSA's.

Note to self: blood in urine is a bad thing.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Go On Touch It... You Know You Want To

Alright it has been awhile I know, you can thank business travel. Anyway, this is not our normal fair, but it is pretty cool.

Oh yeah, and they say "multi-touch input device" alot, hehe. I already have my own thanks. ;) But, if you are looking for a bargain you can play with mine for $2500. That is a 50% discount off the MS estimated price.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm a Marvel, and I a DC...

Hey DC, Stan Lee called he wanted to let you knoow he was laughing all the way to the bank.

More Words of Wisdom From Dr. T

Can you really go wrong when you use a made up word like "absoludicrous"?

I still don't get it, how did break dancing recoup that kid from the purple sweat suit with red shoulder pads?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just Suprised to See a Girl

Let's keep things rolling with my favorite Triumph bit.

TRIUMPH AT THE OPENING OF STAR WARS II - The funniest videos clips are here

Its like shooting fish in a barrel!

Thou Shalt be Plauged with 3 Full Days of Shade

Triumph in 2008!

Triumph Weather Dog - The most amazing home videos are here

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I would like to make a formal apology for not keeping up with my posting duties. I have been publicly reprimanded by Just Atticus on several occasions over the past week.

The title speaks volumes.

Monday, May 7, 2007

See Ya!!!

Keeping with todays theme of "great" fight scenes, we give you Just Atticus's favorite.

It makes me ponder the questions, "should one lick their knife during a fight?" and "unless you are Steve Irwin, is the name Stingray really scary or intimidating?"

No means No!

So what happens when an amorous lizard-man decides to make you his mate?

Let's ask Captain James Tiberius Kirk.

So many things wrong with this scene feel free to comment on the ones I don't mention.
1> Is the gravity like 10x that of earth and that is why they move so slow?
2> Do lizard man have ears?
3> Kirk is nearly the lizard-mans equal in a romantic embrace, but when it comes to throwing rocks...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

For "Just Atticus"

You know him...
You love him...
He's everyones favorite Code Monkey, Just Atticus!!!

Jonathan Coulton is the man, and WOW is a great game. Combine them, and, yes, synergy once again.

Its uncanny how often that happens.


Synergy: The effect of two or more agents working together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of the parts.

Enter exhibit A. Motorcycles and Break Dancing.

Monday, April 30, 2007

That Tastes Like Chicken?

Glad these were caught before they reached our impressionable minds.

Two things, first, maybe he was trying to tell you something Kelly, and second, Richard, there are some things one doesn't do in 80's shorts.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How Great Is That?!?

Not sure which surprised me more, the fact that they were able to do this on TV, or, that SNL actually produced something funny. Will wonders never cease...

A Bit To Close To Home

The truth hurts sometimes... and by hurts I mean I laughed so hard I couldn't breath and ruptured a blood vessel in my head.

This only confirms my paranoia! There are cameras in my house.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Treat'em Mean

Do you feel like you just don't have a way with the ladies. Have a friend that offers you advice on how to improve your chances scoring a hottie.

Well, this guy sure does.

Thing is she never rejects him, so, I guess that's saying something.

Precious Baggage


Precious, you gotta just let it go girl.

note to self: remove all radiators from residence.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Treat Her Right Foo'

Let combine some of my my favorite thing

  1. a dash of good advice
  2. a hint of music
  3. throw in some Moms (I prefer them hot but use what you can find)
  4. and finally a healthy dose of Mr. T in short shorts.

Slap it around and what to you get? Watch and learn.

PSAs That Matter

We like to do our part in keeping kids safe. And what better way than gleaning important information from PSA's containing celebrities.

Now maybe its just me, but there is something about He-Man's overtly homosexual undertones and his bondage wear that makes this just seem wrong.

Oh yeah, and He-Man, could you not point directly at me it makes me feel a little uncomfortable...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ah, where to begin?

Let's kick things off with a classic, "Love me Tender" by Armi & Danni

Lips are taste of wine

And if lyrics like that aren't enough you have incredible dancers performing some of the most intense choreography ever.


The beginning of the end

Ever have a conversation with someone that makes obscure references to movies, jokes or well, anything. Well our goal is to add context to those situations of Contextless Perspective, or at least give you ammunition to fire back with should the need arise.

This site will feature a running commentary of hand selected oddities, primarily video clips, from THE Arch-Mage's Apprentice of
Contextless Perspective, Just Atticuss.

So sit back and enjoy some perspective without context!