Monday, April 30, 2007

That Tastes Like Chicken?

Glad these were caught before they reached our impressionable minds.

Two things, first, maybe he was trying to tell you something Kelly, and second, Richard, there are some things one doesn't do in 80's shorts.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How Great Is That?!?

Not sure which surprised me more, the fact that they were able to do this on TV, or, that SNL actually produced something funny. Will wonders never cease...

A Bit To Close To Home

The truth hurts sometimes... and by hurts I mean I laughed so hard I couldn't breath and ruptured a blood vessel in my head.

This only confirms my paranoia! There are cameras in my house.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Treat'em Mean

Do you feel like you just don't have a way with the ladies. Have a friend that offers you advice on how to improve your chances scoring a hottie.

Well, this guy sure does.

Thing is she never rejects him, so, I guess that's saying something.

Precious Baggage


Precious, you gotta just let it go girl.

note to self: remove all radiators from residence.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Treat Her Right Foo'

Let combine some of my my favorite thing

  1. a dash of good advice
  2. a hint of music
  3. throw in some Moms (I prefer them hot but use what you can find)
  4. and finally a healthy dose of Mr. T in short shorts.

Slap it around and what to you get? Watch and learn.

PSAs That Matter

We like to do our part in keeping kids safe. And what better way than gleaning important information from PSA's containing celebrities.

Now maybe its just me, but there is something about He-Man's overtly homosexual undertones and his bondage wear that makes this just seem wrong.

Oh yeah, and He-Man, could you not point directly at me it makes me feel a little uncomfortable...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ah, where to begin?

Let's kick things off with a classic, "Love me Tender" by Armi & Danni

Lips are taste of wine

And if lyrics like that aren't enough you have incredible dancers performing some of the most intense choreography ever.


The beginning of the end

Ever have a conversation with someone that makes obscure references to movies, jokes or well, anything. Well our goal is to add context to those situations of Contextless Perspective, or at least give you ammunition to fire back with should the need arise.

This site will feature a running commentary of hand selected oddities, primarily video clips, from THE Arch-Mage's Apprentice of
Contextless Perspective, Just Atticuss.

So sit back and enjoy some perspective without context!