Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The beginning of the end

Ever have a conversation with someone that makes obscure references to movies, jokes or well, anything. Well our goal is to add context to those situations of Contextless Perspective, or at least give you ammunition to fire back with should the need arise.

This site will feature a running commentary of hand selected oddities, primarily video clips, from THE Arch-Mage's Apprentice of
Contextless Perspective, Just Atticuss.

So sit back and enjoy some perspective without context!


Atticus said...

It's "Atticus", not "Atticuss" or "Atticusssssssssssss" or "Just Atticusssssssssssssssssssssssss".

The overuse of letters is the leading cause of incomprehensible acronyms.

Atticus said...

"Atticusser" is also acceptable.