Wednesday, April 25, 2007

PSAs That Matter

We like to do our part in keeping kids safe. And what better way than gleaning important information from PSA's containing celebrities.

Now maybe its just me, but there is something about He-Man's overtly homosexual undertones and his bondage wear that makes this just seem wrong.

Oh yeah, and He-Man, could you not point directly at me it makes me feel a little uncomfortable...


Jon said...

What if it was your pastor that touched you inappropriately? Should you tell him that he touched you?

Atticus said...

I think you should tell someone you trust that He-Man's pointing makes you uncomfortable. Someone like the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, Teela, or even Skeletor. But whatever you do, don't tell Prince Adam. I don't trust that guy. I think there's a reason why Cringer is so emotionally scarred.

FreakStyleee said...

Yes, because they were very specific. If you notice they never mentioned telling your Minister or Mullah. The only criteria that needs to be met is that you are telling someone you trust. Nor was there any reference about NOT telling the person who did it. And, I don't know about you but I am not letting someone that I don't trust touch me.

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I can finally publish my comments using my REAL name!